Saturday, 15 September 2012

Hulk Movie

Here is the Feige’s response to Steve’s inquiry about a new Hulk movie:

“…Every time I see a good take or a good storyline or read some good pages, I think, ‘Oh should we make a movie about this?’  But with the Hulk we’re gonna play it very carefully.  We had varying degrees of success on those first two movies, so we’re not gonna say, ‘Oh we did it! Another one!’  We’re gonna be smart about it and play it out.  There are no plans right now to do another Hulk.  Hulk might be just the special guest in Avengers movies, who knows?”

The Increadible Hulk 2015

It appears the overwhelmingly positive reaction may have convinced Marvel to change their tune, because another studio exec recently said we might see a standalone Hulk flick as soon as 2015.Because there are lot of fans waiting for the next part in the sequel .As well as it is a good movie and i think every one likes that character of hulk and an incredible acting as well and the most popular dialogue of hulk that "its my secret that i am always angry ".